Sunday, October 14, 2012

In the image of the creator

In the image of the creator...

  In Genesis we are introduced to God as the creator. The scripture tells how the world and all living things came into existence.  As we were created in the image of God, some of that creativity was imparted to us.  As an artist and writer- a creative individual, I always feel connected to my Heavenly Father through using my talents. When I am sketching, painting a mural, creating a gift for another or expressing the deepest
expressions of my heart, I feel a connection to God. I find that in His love and goodness, he often meets me in those moments. He speaks to me through my creations. Even when I am unaware and absently doodling, He speaks to me and my hand becomes and instrument to convey His individual message to me. 
  Recently I attended a conference where the theme was "make". As a creator, I instantly connected with this idea of connecting to God with this shared identity and characteristic. To make and create is a precious gift given to each of us. We as people like to limit and define creation to art, music, dance and literature. But each of us can create something- food, photographs, journals, disciples, environments, a laugh, a feeling, a business, a ministry, a home, a family, a friend. Creativity should be redefined as an activity where we seek to create something that expresses our new identity as redeemed, as sons and daughters of God. Creativity should be how we connect with God through the things we make in order to share the love which we have been so graciously given. Our acts of creation should be to bring glory to the original creator, to bring Him pleasure. 
   I have been reading Bob Goff's, Love Does. In his introduction, Bob asks what things I want to do or dream of doing that I haven't done. And my answer was simply creating. I often dream and desire to create things just for the sake of creating. I often plan on writing and making and expressing and I tell myself that there is too much work to be done. I extinguish the creative passion I feel by worrying about how others will receive my creation, whether they will find it worthy. I have been convicted that I am forsaking one of the most precious avenues to intimacy with God that I have.
  I am declaring this week a week in celebration of creation. The beginning to a renewed purpose in the act of identifying with my creator by expressing this inherited trait.  The art and writing I create this week will be not for the joy of and approval of others but solely to connect with and please Him. I want my creations to truly express the love, joy, rest, freedom and hope I have found in Jesus Christ. I encourage you to join me and find your way to connect with the creator.


  1. Thanks for writing this Amber! This has honestly been the last 10 months of my life..I came off of the tour last summer, fully intent on continuing my duty to God. Being something i thought would be popular, or just sticking with what i new inside the box was considered safe, and doable.

    When I was home a few weeks I started struggling. I had not even started to pursue my "duty". because of some out of the box creativeness that God gifted to me on the tour, the duty i had felt bound by for so long was brought into question.(which was an emotional hell)I felt guilty for having so much fun in this creativity from the summer. I felt like it had thrown me off my path...and it did..because the next thing that came to me from God was "I want you to have fun". This hit me hard..I cried ..a lot. I had been trudging along in my duty so many years of my life, and the whole time I was so focused on the endgame, and the duty of doing what i was "called" to do, or what I thought others thought i could/should do. That i never enjoyed it. Maybe some fun moments here or there, but nowhere near 17 years worth. Not even close..

    So now 10 months later im 74 pages into the first book of a trilogy of sci-fi novels. This will first be seen in comic book form. I have much of the music finished, or in the works, and this will all build and pull together in a stage show live. I am really excited about where it is going, and just being able to have fun, and let loose on something like this has been wonderful. But the biggest struggle i face now, is not making this a duty. To care about the people im working with.

    The balancing act, of enjoying the here and now, while working towards a bigger vision in the future, is a consistent war in my life.

    Your blog was very encouraging on a night where i needed it. Please keep creating! I love your art, and i brag all the time about the spider-man face you made for me. Cant wait to see what creations come out of this!

    Your friend, Dave

    1. Thanks David! I am glad to find a common chord here. I am looking forward to experiencing your creation when it's completed. It sounds exciting and unique. Being an artist is difficult in an opinionated world. That's why it's important for us to encourage one another. Thanks so much for yours.
