Thursday, August 6, 2009

Ah denial...the constant companion

Why is it that we all continue to deny things...even when something is obvious? Why is it that we will look over something that is so plain in front of us? At times it would be less painful to accect the truth than to perpetuate the denial. But I and others seem to forever be caught in the trap of lying to ourselves or of believing the lies spun by whomever. Just today I am facing my own situation where I have known deep down the truth but would rather self-destruct than own up to it. Well no more my friend! If only it were that easy though to shed a lie that you have lived with for so long. It is ingrained in my existence, my identity to the point that I feel like I don't know who I am at times. But then I remember that I do know and never really lost anything. Someone kind was just helping me to shed a hindering and cripling falsehood that I should have never believed in the first place. So thank you God for the freedom you have granted me from the lies of unworthiness I have been telling myself for so long. Now just help me to see me as you see me.

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